Pentax ESii w/ Super Takumar 55mm f/1.8
✔f/1.8 極大光圈
✔可調較ISO (20-3200)
Pentax ES是世界上第一部全開光圈自動曝光的測光相機,ES ii是它的改良版。
它採用光圈先決曝光拍攝, 拍攝者只需要決定景深和構圖即可。
快門轉盤轉到 Automatic(三角形紅色箭頭)就可轉換到電子快門,半按快門,就可以透過觀景窗内的測光表指針查看快門速度。電量耗盡時,機械快門和B快門仍可以使用的!
除了可轉換機械和電子快門,它更有快門鎖住的設計,只要把快門鈕底下的轉盤轉向左邊的紅L, 快門就無法按壓,可以避免上卷后不小心按壓到快門而浪費了菲林。
隨機的Super Takumar 55mm F1.8 鏡頭呈現特有的黃色,原因是因爲鍍膜是採用放射性稀土所製成 放射性元素的衰減而形成的。
手感一流的金屬鏡頭,大光圈的設計能拍出富麗的散景,把光圈收細可以拍出銳利的成像,無論拍攝人像或寫實的景色, 55mm的它也可以輕鬆應用。
電池方面是4粒LR44/476A電池 需要在一般相機店購買 有需要加購電池亦可以在落單時提及
‼️由於屬於中古機 少量使用痕跡,可以向左滑看機身内外圖,購買時要注意呀‼️
下單可DM/ WhatsApp 93126404📞
💳 Payme | FPS | Bank Transfer
📦 面交// 傘兵速遞 // 郵寄(易送遞) // 順豐到付
尺寸: 143 x 98 x 90 mm (連鏡頭)
重量: 678 g(不連鏡頭)
鏡頭: 55mm
光圈: f1.8
電子快門:8 ~ 1/1000
機械快門:B, 1/60 (X), 1/125, 1/150, 1/500, 1/1000
電池: LR44/476A 4粒
底片: 135
Unless otherwise stated in the description, the camera meets the following conditions:
Operation Condition:
- All features have been tested and everything works fine.
Lens Condition:
- No scratches
- No Haze
- No Fungus
Appearance Condition:
- The fuselage has a small amount of traces of use. Please refer to pictures for details.
- Payme
- Faster Payment System (FPS)
- Visa
- MasterCard
Shipping time and cost
After we confirm your payment, we will process the packaging and delivery as soon as possible to ensure that you receive the product in the shortest possible time. The delivery time of individual products still depends on the destination and delivery method you choose.
Delivery method
At present, we only provide SF Express in the online store, freight collect.
Please get in touch with us on Instagram/ Whatsapp for face-to-face delivery in Hong Kong to place an order. (Kwun Tong Line only)